Friday, June 03, 2005

Fingers Crossed

Well it had been days and nights of really hard work , trying to make a cutting edge website for the semi finals of the imagine cup organised by Micosoft in which i happen to be a part of the Mostly Harmless Web Development Team. Our efforts have finally ended and we have come up with a pretty decent site

Do check it out and let me know whether you like it or not.....

And not failing to mention the names of my two teammates Dhruv (See Blog) andEeshaan without whose support the website would not have been possible. The results coming out on the 13th Of June - thats just one day before my Birthday ..... It would be a great B'day present if I qualify because the finals are in Japan. ... Prayers to the Lord........

Njoy !


1 comment:

J said...

Best Of Luck.. hope you win..
BTW, try turning word verification.. too much spam ;)